

  • python3 >= 3.9

  • pip

For creating DOIs with Crossref:

Everything except creating DOIs also works without a Crossref membership and credentials.

Installing from source

Clone this repository, create a virtual env (optional), and install the dependencies:

git clone && cd mecadoi
python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/base.txt

The application is configured with an .env file. The repository contains an example:

cp .env.example .env

You’re now ready to use the CLI, e.g. to get basic info about a MECA archive:

python3 -m mecadoi meca info

Which should output something like this:

authors: Doe, Jane, Doe, John
doi: 10.12345/multiple-revision-rounds.1234567890
journal: Review Commons - TEST
preprint_doi: 10.1101/multiple-revision-rounds.123.456.7890
review_process: 2 revision rounds, 4 reviews, 1 author reply
title: An article with multiple revision rounds.