MECADOI workflow

Here’s an outline of the workflow that is used to deposit Review Commons reviews to Crossref:

  1. An author triggers export in eJP & eJP sends a MECA archive to our FTP server.

  2. The FTP server contents are synced to a directory on the MECADOI server.

  3. This MECADOI server directory is synced to AWS S3 storage for archival.

  4. Then, for every ZIP file in the MECADOI server directory:

    1. Try to parse it as MECA archive: if it fails to parse, continue with the next file.

    2. Check if the MECA archive has reviews: if not, continue with the next file.

    3. Check if the MECA archive has a preprint DOI: if not, continue with the next file.

    4. Create a Crossref deposition file with DOIs for each review and reply in the MECA archive.

    5. Verify that EEB resolves the links we set as resources for the DOIs: does EEB have the same amount of reviews and replies for the preprint DOI, and do these already have a DOI?

    6. Send the deposition file to Crossref.

  5. Delete processed files from MECADOI server & FTP server (but keep it in S3).

  6. Verify that the depositions are being processed correctly (out of band, through emails from Crossref).

Provisioning the workflow on a server

The provisioning directory provides tools to install MECADOI on an existing server and set up the workflow described above. Ansible is used to automate the setup.

The directories used for syncing are ejp/ on the FTP storage box, /home/mecadoi/storage-box-local on the server, and the S3 bucket mecadoi-archives.

See the provisioning/provision.yml file for more details.


  1. An FTP server: must be accessible via SSH under the hostname mecadoi-ftp

  2. A Debian 11 server: must be accessible via SSH under the hostname mecadoi with the root user

  3. An S3 bucket with the name mecadoi-archives and the credentials for an AWS user account with write permissions to that bucket.

  4. On your local machine: python (>= 3.9), pip


Switch to the provisioning directory on your local machine:

cd provisioning

Install Ansible & any other dependencies on your local machine:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the provisioning playbook on your local machine:

ansible-playbook -i inventory provision.yml

Configure the credentials for the AWS CLI on the server:

ssh mecadoi@mecadoi -- aws configure

The credentials need write access to the mecadoi-archives bucket.